
Anna Gabryś
, historian (PhD in French history in 2009 at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland), writer. 
  • My scientific interests focus on historical memory, social history, daily life history, women’s history, cities history (especially in the 19th century, with focus on Krakow), French history. I also have strong experience with visual presentation of the past, being a museum specialist, responsible for creation of exhibition and especially virtual exhibitions (writing exhibition scenarios and also working with technical teams on IT side of virtual exhibitions). 
  • I've been collaborating with film industry as a sciptwriter, researcher and consultant. 
  • Author of scientific and popular publications on cultural and social history. 
  • During days works as an IT project manager, writes and creates in the spare time.
  • Passionate about baroque music, French contemporary literature and intercultural influences in current societies. 

Selection of works:

  • Salony krakowskie” („Cracow’s Salons”), Kraków 2006
  • „Für Eure und unsere Freiheit!”. Deutsche und Polen im Europäischen Völkerfrühling. Forschungsprojekt für eine deutsch-polnisch-franzözische Ausstellung, in: Polenbegeisterung, Berlin: Kupfergraben-Verlag 2005.
  • Muzea wirtualne. Tworzenie kanonu pamięci czy lamus pamięci?, in: Sieć pamięci. Cyfrowe postaci pamięci społecznej, red. A. Fiń, Ł. Kapralska, Nomos, Kraków 2015.
  • „Polowanie na ćmy” („The Moth Hunt”), Akson for TVP, 2022, TV Series scriptwriting (broadcasted – March-April 2023).


  • 2001–2007 – PhD studies, Jagiellonian University Faculty of History, PhD in May 2009
  • 1996–2001 – MA studies, Jagiellonian University Faculty of History, MA in July 2001
  • 1990–1996 – Secondary Musical School of Krakow, professional diploma: flutist